Tell me what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life? -mary oliver

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Truly Matters

        Daily, I've been learning to live in the moment and not plan too far ahead.  For a type A individual, it's downright hard.  Beginning with my "red thread" moment on the last day of school, it's been a work in progress.  These past summer months brought time of reflection, rest, and rejuvenation while living in the moment.  I was also on a journey, unbeknown to me of the destination, but I was trodding along.  I celebrated with my family.  I looked for the sunshine and small moments.  I realized what truly matters: family, friends, love, life, and making a difference in this world. 
        Sunday, I wrote about how our paperwork needs would be met "Just In Time" for when we are meant to travel to Sarah's country.  No sooner, no less.   On Monday, a piece of "paper" came in the mail.  It was one that took more work than normal to retrieve, but it came!  A Celebration!!  Wednesday, more pieces became available that had a few hiccups involved.  A Celebration!!  You can choose to look at what truly matters or choose to dwell upon the "issues."  We are choosing to focus on what truly matters, bringing Sarah home. 

Sarah will be coming home.  She will be loved.  She will be cherished.  She will have a family.  That's what matters.


  1. So excited for you! Did you see sweet Anna is back....sadly I knew she would be....

  2. Good for you, Shelly! You have it just right. What truly matters is getting that little girl home. The hiccups and frustrations are part of the process...and you can choose to let them throw you for a major loop, or not. Each step you accomplish is a step closer. You are doing great :)!
