Tell me what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life? -mary oliver

Monday, June 20, 2011

Her New Life

I am daily filled with gratitude for our family.  After seeing so many children daily longing for someone to walk through The Gate in Eastern Europe and proclaim, "I'm your mama," a deeper appreciation, gratefulness, and blessings abound when love  surrounds my own children.

 We spent Father's Day celebrating my nephew's birthday at a pool, but the weather didn't cooperate for water activities.

However, given a few noodles and lots of imagination and the party was a spontaneous horse event.

And my little sprite included herself by copying whatever the big kids were doing.  She's one of them.  While she was abandoned for her extra chromosome, she is showing that she can find her place wherever she is allowed to shine. 

My father-in-law asked us if she was this animated in her orphanage.  While she was busy over there, her excitement, energy, and her smile are constant and contagious here for all who are blessed to come in her path.
For the first time, we gathered all FIVE grandkids for the obligatory photo.  Of course, we waited until the very end of the party:(

Great Grandparents with the kids.  Do you see how thrilled she is?  It's way past naptime.
"I'm DONE!"  She slowly kept sliding down with each camera flash.  Miss Sarah was done for the day.
She slept from 4:30pm and I had to wake her at 7:45.  Of course, she was awake until 10:30 that night.  Someone asked us how she's getting along with our different schedule from the orphanage.  I wanted to laugh, "It's summer.  What schedule:("
Early Sunday morning, Andy walked into the kitchen and saw this.
Miss Sarah hurdled over the 3 foot gate in her room, walked downstairs, opened the pantry, and grabbed the bag of goldfish.  Breakfast of Champions!!
This is how we ended a PERFECT Father's Day. 

It was a Great Day.


  1. Shelly,
    Your happiness is contagious. I found myself smiling through this entire post!

  2. Sarah is getting quite the tan! She must love the outdoors! It's beautiful to see how well she is acclimating to her new surroundings. You go girl!

  3. I love this post! It is so wonderful to see a whole family just love on Sarah like you all are. She looks like she's been with you forever and just fits right in.

    Congratulations again. :)


  4. I am loving all the pics!! Sarah is just amazing. all the smiles and fun times, she must be in heaven, and the same for you and your family. it's an absolute joy for me to watch all of it!
