Tell me what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life? -mary oliver

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Abounding Love

I've got a few spare moments, where the kids are downstairs playing.  The coffee pot is almost empty, and we're a few shy hours of embarking on our pool adventure with friends, sucking up the last few moments of the summer.  Making the most of the todays.
My Sarah...
    She's got one speed when she wakes up in the morning, and it's GO.  It's as if she knows the hours are fleeting and she's got to live every moment with gusto, exploring and seeking out adventure in every cupboard, room, and drawer.  While I'm not a tv or screen fan for my kids, this Mama would shout to the heavens if she would be entranced with a 30-minute Signing Time DVD.  Some prayers are simple ones, these days:)

     Yesterday, I took the kids to my new school and we lasted less than an hour.  She had used Sharpie on herself, a book, whiteboard, and clothes.  FYI, anti-bacterial soap does wonders for permanent marker on skin.  The most hilarious moment was when she discovered the automatic anti-bacterial dispenser.  Every time she place her hands under there, she hollered with excitement at the present bestowed on her hands.  This continued multiple times and each time, her elation showed on her face when the sudsy, white foam appeared.  It's as if gifts flowed freely  in that mounted gray dispenser.
       After her bath one night, she climbed on my lap and I took self-portraits of her and I.  She sat there, each time excited to see her picture on the back of the camera.

     I love the black and white/sephia photos.  They show emotion, love, and gratefulness I feel when I look at how she has grown, emotionally and physically.  My little girl...

    This week, we are appointment free.  Her dentist appointment showed no cavities, and look amazing.  A praise!  Other than a pill for her thyroid, she's healthy and a healthy weight.  Next week, she has a follow-up pediatrician appointment and a HOPEFUL, accurate hearing test.  Since her ears were cleared, she's more verbal and speaking more words.

My dancing diva, rocking to the music with her bling.

Oh, how we can't imagine our life without this little girl.  She completes our family, her busyness and her love.  I am continually blessed to be her Mama, to hug, to love, and to celebrate all she has to show the world.  I find myself, thinking of her future like Addy and Austin. What difference will she make in the world?  Already, I see the lives she has touched, who see she is more alike us than different.  Imagine a world if we could see the heart of the person first?  Imagine...
Being deeply LOVED by someone gives you strength;
  Loving someone deeply gives you Courage.


  1. I LOVE this post! I always love coming to your blog for good quotes too! What a doll Sarah is and she is just simply thriving and it is beautiful! I just laugh reading about the soap dispenser...isn't it amazing to see the sparkle and joy that every simple thing brings to them! I am glad to hear she is so healthy too! I need to get to the ear doctor and dentist still and we have cardio scheduled for the end of the month. Your post makes me want to get back on top of blogging! I have been so sick this summer that I haven't kept up on blogging...hopefully soon! Thanks for sharing! Lots of love to you friend!

  2. i love the second to last pic. sarah looks so ornery and adorable and fiesty. i love it. shelly, you are changing lives. each and every person that comes into contact with your awesome family is learning--from you and from sarah. love first, baby. it's an incredibly humbling thought.
