Tell me what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life? -mary oliver

Thursday, December 30, 2010


We all measure time differently.  Some use calendars, whether paper or electronic.  Some measure time by events, Super Bowl, March Madness, World Series, OSU vs. Michigan.  Others measure by seasons.

This year, we measured time by the completion of our adoption paperwork.  I've documented everything, responses, completion, and phone calls on a paper calendar, while sharing the big moments with you all on this blog.  This calendar of notes, jots, moments is a timeline of our journey to Sarah.  Our footprints, our path...

July 24th was our initial conversation about adoption.  August 24th, one month apart, we sent our commitment papers for Sarah to Reece's Rainbow.  The next two months were completing our home study paperwork and appointments.  October and November, we began compiling our dossier (international) paperwork, all the while waiting on clearances from our state to finish our home study.  December was mostly emails and calls seeking our clearances to be processed. Waiting, waiting, waiting...wanting so much to get this finalized.

Each piece of paper retrieved was a moment in time, knowing we were that much closer.  And now, I have a Celebration.    Today, we received word that our home study is complete and we should have our copies early next week.  Then, it will be sent to US immigration for one more piece of paper.  Once we have that last piece, our dossier will be complete and ready to be sent to Eastern Europe for translation.

We are over the moon, on top of the world, oh-my-gosh-it's getting closer, EXCITED!  A celebration in our household today.  Happy Dances all around.  Today, you are celebrating with us as we are getting ever so close now.  What a way to usher in 2011.  What a day!!

"Sometimes the paths we take are long and hard, but those are the ones that lead to the most beautiful views."


  1. Honored and excited to be walking through this miracle with you and your family

  2. How exciting! Congratulations on this big step in the process!!! Can't wait to hear that you've been submitted!!!

  3. Congratulations on completing a major milestone! Homestudy done? CHECK!

  4. Hi Shelly,

    We are sdopting "Dawn" from the same orphanage I believe I've left you a comment before. Have you sent in your I600A application yet? Hurry up maybe we could travel at the same time!!


  5. I missed this post! The kids have been asking when you will be going to get Sarah :)...we can't wait!
