Tell me what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life? -mary oliver

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Beautiful Day

It is finished.  The dossier is sent.  It will be in Sarah's country Thursday and this is what almost six months of gathering looks like when complete.  AMAZING!!!

 Andy was up until 1am, proofreading and placing in the perfect order and today the kids went with him to send it off.  Even now, tears flood my eyes when I think of the ride we've been on to get us to this point. 

This past week was the biggest nail-biter of all as we anxiously awaited these last two papers.  Friday morning, Andy intercepted the last one at our post office, I met him at the bank to notarize it at lunch, and he had another drama episode at the county office. (of which, I almost fainted when he told me the story that evening:(  But, it is complete and we celebrated last evening at dinner.  Addy and Austin took turns with my camera.  They, too, understand that we'll be meeting her soon.

During his travels this week, Andy sent me this email:

Think Spring
…or maybe it’s better to think summer!
 I just submitted our  Pool registration for this year. Added one extra member to our family.

Made me smile to think she'll soon have her family.
I received an email from a fellow adoptive mom, VIDEO of our sweet girl.  HOW AMAZING is that!!! The night we finished our dossier, we received video of her.  Another God thing, I'm sure.  
That my friends is for another post, but a celebration indeed!!
Yes, my glass is always HALF FULL!!
Once the weekend hits, my dates are always off.  It should say 2-19-11:)
There are only two ways to live your life.  One as if nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though every day is a miracle.  Albert Einstein

We are proof that every day is a miracle...


  1. I blinked and I think I missed some stuff :)! You sure got the USCIS piece figured out quickly! This is so exciting. I bet you will be in country almost exactly a year after we were there! BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT & AMAZING! xo

  2. p.s. Let's meet or get on the phone and go over some Russian phrases :)'ll be needing them soon!

  3. I lost it with Andy's email! For some reason that just made me cry. I'm so glad it's done!!!!!
